
Make Google My Homepage in Any Browser The World of Internet is increasing rapidly and it has changed the entire world by many important discoveries and helping humans in many ways in the technology race. But there are still many people who are not able to get Perfect Knowledge due to the fact that there are many search engines which don’t have a good Database of Perfect and Updated Knowledge as Google.  Many Browsers don’t even set Google as the homepage . Here in this post, I will tell you how I found the best way to make Google my homepage in any browser and got the access to the Database of more than 5 million pages which are regularly updated. How to Make Google My Homepage in Chrome, Mozilla, Safari and  Microsoft Edge? Despite being a very good search engine yet, Google is not set as default homepage in may of the popular browsers which are used commonly by all people. This is the reason people are not able to get the preferred result of their problem. The best way to get rid